NeverLost Relax Strap Pro Relieves your arms while waiting

NeverLost Relax Strap Pro

Relieves your arms while waiting

Product nr: 104887
17.98 EUR

NeverLost Relax Strap Pro


Nylon strap - relieves the arms


Once you've tried it, it's hard to live without it. The NeverLost Relax Strap relieves your arms on post but ensures you always have your weapon within easy reach. Why stand and hold the weapon and eventually get so tired that you tip the rifle against the nearest tree?

The strap is easy to fasten around the barrel and butt, then you just place the strap around the neck and you have the weapon positioned at the right height, ready for installation.



• Durable nylon material

• Suitable for both rifle and shotgun

• Takes the weight off the weapon when on post

• Perfect as a weapon strap if you lack strap fasteners

• New model with wider strap for better relief.

• Velcro for easy adaptation to all weapons.
