NeverLost Gun Sling Alaska Braided Paracord Rife Strap

NeverLost Gun Sling Alaska

Braided Paracord Rife Strap

Product nr: 106882
20.43 EUR

NeverLost Gun Sling Alaska


Braided Paracord Rife Strap



In this you get a braided rifle strap that can help you out of challenging and unforseen situations While hunting, you can often get extra need for ropes and Gun Sling Alaska gives you 9-10 meters strong paracord when you need it. Eks. binde opp kjøtt, feste telt, bruk på hunder osv. Kun fantasien setter begrensninger.




·         Multifunction rifle strap

·         Braided paracord

·      Gives you about 10 meters of extra line in very strong material
